Monday, March 31, 2008

Wedding Pics

For those that couldn't make it, here are some wedding pics set to a rather fitting song... and no it's not Mariah Carey.. or Celine Dion.. or Human Nature
For anyone that may not have heard - it rained like you would not believe, hence the song :)
Please excuse the typo on the date!


Joseph Mallozzi said...

Well, I'm bummed I missed it.

Still, all the best toboth of you. And, if I may be so bold as to impart some words of wisdom from a guy soon to celebrate his 10 year wedding anniversary: "It's hard to get angry at each other in front of the dogs."


Narelle from Aus said...

Thanks Joe :) We had a ball. 8 days on an island with 65 family and friends. I'm still recovering... so is the island.

And Congrats on your upcoming anniversary!

Let's see, 10 years - if we look at traditional gifts, Fondy can look forward to tin ... hmmm, nope, can't think of anything that says I love you like tin.

While advice has been flowing since we got married, advice from someone with dogs, who loves them as much as we love ours, goes straight to the top of the list!

Thanks for dropping by :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Narelle,

Can't believe I haven't seen this yet. Well done! You looked incredible, the guys looked fantastic in white and that was such a cool colour for the bridesmaids. The beach shots were stunning - what a backdrop.

I had to smile when the music started up - it made me think of the final SG1.

Cheers, Chev

Narelle from Aus said...

Hey Chev!

Thanks for the kind words. It absolutely poured rain on the day of the wedding, so the sunny pics were taken two days later - and you can probably tell by the relaxed look on our faces!

It was SG1 that brought that song to mind :) Nath and I had always loved the song, and we thought it extremely appropriate considering, and then I thought it would be a personal chuckle to recognise Stargate. I also wear a ring of diamonds around my neck (thanks to an amazing Mum). May not openly look like a Stargate, but I like to show my appreciation for the show :)

I jumped onto your blog to say Hi but I needed an account to, and wasn't too sure what I was signing up for! I like you site. Very snazzy. Is it ok to sign up?

Cheers, Narelle